If you reside in Ohio and own a car, you must obtain auto insurance coverage to keep you protected while you are driving on the road. We offer various coverage options here at The Poland Agency to keep you safe while driving. We understand that every driver has different needs, and we can guarantee that we will meet them. We offer everything from comprehensive coverage to roadside assistance.
The following insurance coverage minimums are required in the state of Ohio to legally operate any vehicle in the state:
While everyone has unique insurance needs, we always recommend obtaining full coverage to obtain higher limits and remain fully protected.
For higher limits and full coverage, we recommend the following coverage options:
If you are in need of auto insurance, please visit our office at The Poland Agency to obtain a quote. You can also give our office a call for assistance in helping you obtain great coverage. We serve all residents in the state of Ohio.
When it comes to auto coverage more is better than less. We can help you get the following coverages: